Wednesday, January 28, 2009

8 - 7

Eight babies born at the same time are doing well IBTimes Hong Kong, CA - The mother of that octuplets gave birth to six boys and two girls weighing between 1 pound, 8 ounces and 3 pound, 4 ounces. The first baby born at 10:43 am, ...
Video: Doctor Says Newborn Octuplets Appear Healthy AssociatedPress
8 is plenty: Mother gives birth to octuplets The Associated Press Octuplets Delivered: 8 Babies Born at the Same Time. In This Economy? Women on the Web - Paying for one baby’s tough enough these days, but one California woman won’t let that worry her. The mother in question just gave birth to eight babies — only the second time in history live octuplets have been born, according to doctors.
Man kills wife, five kids, himself after being fired CNN International - LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- A man apparently despondent about losing his job killed his wife and five children before turning the gun on himself, officials said Tuesday.
Video: Police: La. Man Kills Family Over Job Situation AssociatedPress
Los Angeles man kills his 5 children, wife, self Los Angeles Times

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Beyond the black/white horizon

4 Responses toOther-Reification and RacismFeed for this Entry Trackback Address

1 Tusar N. Mohapatra Jan 25th, 2009 at 9:28 pm
This significant exploration can be extended to a broader horizon if instead of confining it within the black/white binary, the Indian conception of the fourfold “Varnas” (literally, colours: white, red, yellow, and black) is also considered. [TNM]

2 Cynthia R. Nielsen Jan 26th, 2009 at 9:06 am
Thank you, Tusar, for your comment. I agree that the discussion should be broadened beyond the black/white horizon.


Healing the division between two cultures [A Cultural Misunderstanding by Angiras: An understanding of the cultural factors underlying these varying responses might contribute to healing the division that has recently arisen in the international Sri Aurobindo community.]
It would be still better to apportion the religious component within the cultural. [TNM] 1:52 PM

Monday, January 26, 2009

Differences between the sexes are both deeply engrained and imaginatively galvanising

Intimate Relations: The Natural History of Desire by Liam Hudson (Author), Bernadine Jacot (Author)

Hudson and Jacot (The Way Men Think, 1992) make a perplexing and incoherent effort to analogize intimacy and art. The authors declare "that psychological differences between the sexes are both deeply engrained and imaginatively galvanising" and "that there exists a parallel between art and intimate relations." Unfortunately, very little that follows has anything to do with these potentially engaging assertions.

For example, they devote two chapters to a "thought experiment" in which they describe several historically important women, including Margaret Mead and Kate Millett. The experiment requires imagining these figures as men, with the assumption that, as such, their stories would not make sense. The experiment fails thoroughly, however, for well-read readers of gender and sexuality literature, possibly because the authors dismiss these fields as postmodern and liberal to the point of irrelevance. Basically, they see men and women as fundamentally different because of early relationships with parents. Based in Freudian thought, they believe that men and women grow up with different complexes, and "wounds," which color future interactions.

The authors are exclusively concerned with "the mutual fascination of individuals who are categorically dissimilar" in terms of biological sex, so although they bill this as a history of desire and intimacy, only heterosexual love is addressed. And many of their characterizations of patterns of loving are rooted in stereotypes and structural inequities, criticisms of which they discard as extremist rhetoric of feminists and other radical groups. In their final analysis, intimacy and art are comparable because they both spring from the imagination, what Hudson and Jacot see as the "mind's central function." But there never emerges a natural history of intimacy at all. What could have been a compelling discussion about the imagination is cluttered with conservative biases and false interpretations of social scientific data. (Kirkus Reviews)

Product Description In their previous book, "The Way Men Think", Liam Hudson and Bernadine Jacot explored the dislocation experienced by all male children as they separate from their mothers and identify with their fathers. This book focuses on the experience of women and the way they relate to men. As they grow up, small girls are not "wounded" like their brothers, but nonetheless acquire a burden (or "incubus") that distorts their perception of intimacy. For reasons intrinsic to their development, the book argues, women will find all heterosexual relationships troubling.

Examining the differences between the minds of men and women, the authors describe the incompatibilities upon which intimacies between the sexes seem so often to founder. They argue that the dissimilarities between men and women are not an obstacle to real intimacy, but its prior condition: intimacy is energising precisely because it joins like to unlike. It is its ambiguity which makes erotic closeness enduringly compelling. Intimate relationships should - like works of art - be understood as exercises of the imagination.

This work offers detailed accounts of the lives of remarkable women - Vera Britain, Kate Millett, Margaret Thatcher and Margaret Mead - showing how the thoughts and feelings of the two sexes are subtly but systematically off-set from one another. It analyzes the resonances between the public and the private in particular works of art, and uses literary texts - from Truman Capote and Doris Lessing to John Milton - to establish a theoretical framework within which the phenomena of intimacy can be considered and men and women begin to understand the lives they share. [4:46 PM]

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Women have a lower sex drive than men, and are more likely to lose interest

What Do Women Want? By DANIEL BERGNER
Published: January 22, 2009 (Page 7 of 8)

“Female desire,” Meana said, speaking broadly and not only about her dyspareunic patients, “is not governed by the relational factors that, we like to think, rule women’s sexuality as opposed to men’s.” She finished a small qualitative study last year consisting of long interviews with 20 women in marriages that were sexually troubled. Although bad relationships often kill desire, she argued, good ones don’t guarantee it. She quoted from one participant’s representative response: “We kiss. We hug. I tell him, ‘I don’t know what it is.’ We have a great relationship. It’s just that one area” — the area of her bed, the place desolated by her loss of lust.

The generally accepted therapeutic notion that, for women, incubating intimacy leads to better sex is, Meana told me, often misguided. “Really,” she said, “women’s desire is not relational, it’s narcissistic” — it is dominated by the yearnings of “self-love,” by the wish to be the object of erotic admiration and sexual need. Still on the subject of narcissism, she talked about research indicating that, in comparison with men, women’s erotic fantasies center less on giving pleasure and more on getting it. “When it comes to desire,” she added, “women may be far less relational than men.”

Like Chivers, Meana thinks of female sexuality as divided into two systems. But Meana conceives of those systems in a different way than her colleague. On the one hand, as Meana constructs things, there is the drive of sheer lust, and on the other the impetus of value. For evolutionary and cultural reasons, she said, women might set a high value on the closeness and longevity of relationships: “But it’s wrong to think that because relationships are what women choose they’re the primary source of women’s desire.”

Meana spoke about two elements that contribute to her thinking: first, a great deal of data showing that, as measured by the frequency of fantasy, masturbation and sexual activity, women have a lower sex drive than men, and second, research suggesting that within long-term relationships, women are more likely than men to lose interest in sex. Meana posits that it takes a greater jolt, a more significant stimulus, to switch on a woman’s libido than a man’s. “If I don’t love cake as much as you,” she told me, “my cake better be kick-butt to get me excited to eat it.” And within a committed relationship, the crucial stimulus of being desired decreases considerably, not only because the woman’s partner loses a degree of interest but also, more important, because the woman feels that her partner is trapped, that a choice — the choosing of her — is no longer being carried out.

A symbolic scene ran through Meana’s talk of female lust: a woman pinned against an alley wall, being ravished. Here, in Meana’s vision, was an emblem of female heat. The ravisher is so overcome by a craving focused on this particular woman that he cannot contain himself; he transgresses societal codes in order to seize her, and she, feeling herself to be the unique object of his desire, is electrified by her own reactive charge and surrenders. Meana apologized for the regressive, anti-feminist sound of the scene.

Yet while Meana minimized the role of relationships in stoking desire, she didn’t dispense with the sexual relevance, for women, of being cared for and protected. “What women want is a real dilemma,” she said. Earlier, she showed me, as a joke, a photograph of two control panels, one representing the workings of male desire, the second, female, the first with only a simple on-off switch, the second with countless knobs. “Women want to be thrown up against a wall but not truly endangered. Women want a caveman and caring. If I had to pick an actor who embodies all the qualities, all the contradictions, it would be Denzel Washington. He communicates that kind of power and that he is a good man.”

After our discussion of the alley encounter, we talked about erotic — as opposed to aversive ­— fantasies of rape. According to an analysis of relevant studies published last year in The Journal of Sex Research, an analysis that defines rape as involving “the use of physical force, threat of force, or incapacitation through, for example, sleep or intoxication, to coerce a woman into sexual activity against her will,” between one-third and more than one-half of women have entertained such fantasies, often during intercourse, with at least 1 in 10 women fantasizing about sexual assault at least once per month in a pleasurable way.

The appeal is, above all, paradoxical, Meana pointed out: rape means having no control, while fantasy is a domain manipulated by the self. She stressed the vast difference between the pleasures of the imagined and the terrors of the real. “I hate the term ‘rape fantasies,’ ” she went on. “They’re really fantasies of submission.” She spoke about the thrill of being wanted so much that the aggressor is willing to overpower, to take. “But ‘aggression,’ ‘dominance,’ I have to find better words. ‘Submission’ isn’t even a good word” — it didn’t reflect the woman’s imagining of an ultimately willing surrender. [...]

“So many cultures have quite strict codes governing female sexuality,” Chivers said. “If that sexuality is relatively passive, then why so many rules to control it? Why is it so frightening?” There was the implication, in her words, that she might never illuminate her subject because she could not even see it, that the data she and her colleagues collect might be deceptive, might represent only the creations of culture, and that her interpretations might be leading away from underlying truth.

There was the intimation that, at its core, women’s sexuality might not be passive at all. There was the chance that the long history of fear might have buried the nature of women’s lust too deeply to unearth, to view. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Daniel Bergner is a contributing writer for the magazine. His new book, “The Other Side of Desire: Four Journeys Into the Far Realms of Lust and Longing,” will be published this month. More Articles in Magazine » A version of this article appeared in print on January 25, 2009, on page MM26 of the New York edition.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

सेंसर बोर्ड मैं कोई भी इस समाज की चिंता करने वाला नहीं है

"स्लमडॉग मिलियनेयर" नाम से दुःख
भारतीये सेंसर बोर्ड आखिर कब जागेगा "slumdog Millionaire" नाम से दुःख Labels: , , posted by Shant Prakash @ 7:48 AM 0 Comments
आज के दोर मैं गरीब समाज अलग-अलग नाम से जाना जाता है. किसलिए सिर्फ गरीब का रोज नया नामकरण होता है. कभी गिरिजन, हरिजन, दलित, उपेक्षित समाज, वंचित समाज, अछूत. कब तक इज्जत उतरवा कर आमिर का मनोरंजन करता रहेगा यह समाज आज राज्नित्कों की पहली पसंद है यह समाज, फिल्मकारों के लिए है यह एक आकर्षक मुद्दा. कियोंकि ऐसे नाम रखने से कोई इनके खिलाफ कोर्ट जायेगा और इनको आराम से पोपुलारिटी मिल जायेगी ऐसी गन्दी सोच को बढावा हमारा सेंसर बोर्ड भी दे रहा है.
इस फिल्म को अप्प्रोवल देने का मतलब है की इस बोर्ड की आत्मा मर चुकी है और इस बोर्ड मैं कोई भी इस समाज की चिंता करने वाला नहीं है. और इस सब के पीछे कारण है सर्कार की लापरवाही और अनदेखी. ऐसी दशा मैं एक बार फिर भगवन ही भला करे जो कभी नहीं करता पर उम्मीद है।
जय भीम जय भारत भारत माता की जय।
शांत प्रकाश (जाटव)
२७९, ज्ञान खंड-१
इंदिरा पुरम, ग़जिअबाद-२०१०१२, उत्तर प्रदेश
इंडिया Mobile-09871952799
मोबाइल-०९८७१९५२७९९ ,

Monday, January 19, 2009

India is becoming a hub for prostitution, pornography and cyber crime and a destination for sex tourism

The Human Body : The Great Commodity Exchange from Around and About by shantanu dutta

Most of us Indians would not like to know that India is a key source, destination, and transit country for humans trafficked for the purposes of forced labour and commercial sexual exploitation. While no comprehensive study of forced and bonded labour can ever be completed, there are estimates that the trafficking “industry” touches 20 to 65 million Indians. Women and girls are trafficked within the country for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced marriage. Children are subjected to forced labour as factory workers, domestic servants, beggars, and agriculture workers, and have been used as armed combatants by some terrorist and insurgent groups. India is also a destination for women and girls from Nepal and Bangladesh trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation.

Due to the clandestine nature of the problem, little is known about those who carry out human trafficking. Studies show that they may be family members or friends, brothel owners and brokers, community leaders, women in sex-work or people in powerful positions such as police and other government employees. Data collected from victims of trafficking for the UNIFEM study, suggests that 50% of traffickers are women (reported in Sen, A. 2005: A Report on Trafficking of Women and Children, UNIFEM)...

So, even as Trafficking is understood and interpreted as modern-day slavery, and a matter of global concern, with India as one of the worst affected countries, clearly a lot needs to be done before the great commodity exchange trading in human bodies is controlled , let alone wiped out.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Priests 'purify' Orissa temple after Dalit minister's visit

Priests 'purify' temple after foreigner enters premises Times of India, India - 13 hours ago PURI: There was disquiet at the Jagannath temple here on Friday when a 23-year-old Chilean entered the premises where non-Aryavarta Hindus are banned. ... Lord Jagannath Temple's Rituals hit due to entry of foreign tourist Foreigner detained Calcutta Telegraph Chilean enters Puri temple, creates flutter Express Buzz Newspost Online - KalingaTimes all 13 news articles »

Orissa: Priests vanish after purification ceremony Times of India, India - 15 Jan 2009 BHUBANESWAR: The controversy over a purification ceremony at the Akhandalamani Shiva temple at Aradi in Bhadrak district following Orissa minister Pramilla ...
Orissa temple purified after low caste minister visit Reuters India, India - 21 hours ago The minister said the purification ritual, at the Akhandalamani temple in Orissa's Bhadrak district, could have been conducted at the behest of her ...
‘No row over Minister’s visit’ Express Buzz, India - 19 hours ago... the visit of Women and Child Development Minister Pramila Mallick, a Dalit, to the Akhandalamani temple at Aradi, 35 km from here, yesterday. ...
Orissa temple 'purified' after Dalit minister's visit Smash Hits, India - 15 Jan 2009 Women and Child Welfare Minister Pramila Mallick entered the sanctum sanctorum of the Akhandalamani temple, a highly revered shrine of Hindu lord Shiva at ...
Priests 'purify' Orissa temple after Dalit minister's visit Times of India, India - 14 Jan 2009 Pramilla Mallick, the women and child development minister, on Wednesday went to the famous Akhandalamani Shiva temple at Aradi in Bhadrak, ...
Mallik visit to temple causes turmoil The Statesman, India - 14 Jan 200914: The entry of the state women and child development minister Mrs Pramila Mallik into the Sanctum Sanctorum (Garva Griha) of the Akhandalamani temple in ...

Caste abuse in temple Calcutta Telegraph, India - 14 Jan 2009 Some sevayats (priests) objected to her entry after she had left the Akhandalamani temple at Aradi, about 150km from here. Rituals at the 150ft temple ...
Dalit woman minister`s temple entry sparks tension Zee News, India - 14 Jan 2009 Bhubaneswar, Jan 14: Chaos broke out over the entry of a Dalit woman minister in the sanctum sanctorum of the famous Akhandalamani temple in Orissa's ...
Woman minister's temple entry sparks tension in Orissa Indopia, India - 14 Jan 2009 Bhubaneswar , Jan 14 Chaos broke out today over the entry of a dalit woman minister in the sanctum sanctoram of the famous Akhandalamani temple in ...
Rel om tempelbezoek 'onaanraakbare' minister De Telegraaf, Netherlands - 18 hours ago De autoriteiten onderzoeken of hindoepriesters na het bezoek een reinigingsritueel hebben uitgevoerd in het Akhandalamani-heiligdom.